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深渊 电影

主演:María Sigurðardóttir Björn Thors Þröstur Le 


类型:剧情片欧美 2012


    深渊 电影 Based on an astonishing true incident that took place on the frigid seas off Iceland in 1984, The Deep fashions a modern-day everyman myth about the sole survivor of a shipwreck, whose superhuman will to survive made him both an inexplicable scientific phenomenon and a genuine national hero. sole survivor of a shipwreck, whose superhuman will to survive made him both an inexplicable scientific phenomenon and a genuine national hero.深渊 电影中文剧情简介 代表冰岛冲击2013年奥斯卡最佳外语片剧情佳作,并入围最终9强,影片讲述了一个全民英雄故事,一个人类战胜自然故事。


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